Products and Solutions

unBlock green channel network solution

FMLink unBlock

With more than ten years of network routing management experience, independent research and development of the whole network intelligent multi routing flow diversion platform and intelligent DNS policy analysis system. Can provide single line, double line, multi line, static or dynamic routing, BGP, as well as the industry's original Plus BGP and other integrated bandwidth solutions. Provide website users to provide the fastest network access speed as well as enterprise users to provide personalized solutions for enterprise dedicated Internet access, destination to accelerate Internet access and other services.

Product advantage

Transparent operation, easy deployment;

Customized services to achieve the destination network, access speed optimization;

Efficient expansion, rapid growth;

All line access, security;

Has a number of stable Internet exports, to achieve the backup routing;

There is no need to adjust the server, just configure 1 IP.

Scheme introduction

Consideration to current domestic telecommunications service company can provide Internet line (ADSL, FTTB) scheme, the advantage of unBlock and telecommunications network, to provide customers to reach the optimum channel, different destination network, solve, the Internet and exports bandwidth shortage or other reasons caused by network of overseas application adverse situation.

Network topology map

Program description

Client company in line with the existing line or new applications on the Internet, the frame set Router Cisco, built a dedicated encryption channel connected to the unBlock domestic computer room, access to unBlock backbone network.

The unBlock backbone network to unBlock Hong Kong room access the Internet, Hong Kong is the Asia Pacific Internet Exchange Center, international export bandwidth far more stable than that of domestic exports and, on overseas network greatly accelerated, solve, the Internet and exports bandwidth shortage or other reasons lead to adverse situation of caused by the network of overseas application.

In the router to access lines of division, the domestic Internet site or server access, users through the export of local access, does not occupy the bandwidth of Hong Kong line, make full use of network resource, the reasonable application.